Tuesday, June 23, 2020

discussion-imaging through modern everyday electronics

Electronics and technology are extremely fast evolving with advancements happening almost every year. Currently we have technology that was unthinkable to be portable not too long ago.Imaging is an integral part of healthcare to diagnose and treat many illnesses that affect a large portion of the population. If these diagnostic tests were already available to us using the electronics that we had in hand everyday it would revolutionize our approach to treating and diagnosing illnesses that could possibly be halted from further advancement.MRI- use a strong magnetic field (0.5-3 T) to align a the hydrogen atoms in our body with that of the field, a weaker type of electromagnetic radiation (radio frequency) is then used to skew the atoms producing a movement that can be detected and measured to distinguish changes in bones and all tissues of the bodywe already have ways of achieving reading of an mri through ultra low field strengths ranging from micro to millitesla acqusition of images.microchips in there current state have a array of sensors to detect not only electromagnetic fields but detect and send radio frequencies (which are another type of em radiation) these include chip scale sensors and MEM based magnetic sensors as well as techniques used in the process that serve a specific purpose (anisotropic magneto resistance ,Magnetic tunnel junctions,the list goes on).If we have sensitive enough means of detecting and measuring the fluctuations in magnetic fields that would be produced by our body. There are constant high frequency radio waves and electromagnetic fields present.We have made use of high frequency radio waves such as bluetooth and cell phone communication .The more the frequencies that are applied the better the image can be made (like taking a burst shot on a camera). We have made use of high frequency radio waves such as bluetooth and cell phone communication. There are static electromagnetic fields are present in every house around everything that has an electric current running through it,which make up a majority of everyday items including the ones that nearly every person carries with them on a day-to-day basis.in short-if current technology is sensitive enough receive and transmit the imaging data it could be used for many things including preventative and diagnostic care with extremely lowered costs to the person in need and can also be used in more recent studies to study brain activity (FMRI)to interpret thoughts and visual input making it a crazy surveillance possibility.also some food for thought there are companies that seem interesting that use neuroscience;https://ift.tt/2Z5WgBJ comments input on studies appreciated research belowhttps://www.intechopen.com/books/microsensors/development-of-resonant-magnetic-field-microsensors-challenges-and-future-applicationshttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/https://books.google.com/books?https://www.frontiersin.org/articleshttps://journals.plos.org/plosone/articlehttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/257346880_Highly_sensitive_wafer-level_packaged_MEMS_magnetic_field_sensor_based_on_magnetoelectric_composites via /r/technology https://ift.tt/319mQMN

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